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Note: If you are a first-time visitor to this site, and seeking immediate information about childhood bullying, we suggest clicking on the Advisory Group documents below, and on the "For parents ... " document below, then clicking on the 'Resources' page link, below and left. This will provide access to numerous materials of use, including the Coalition's other handouts covering most aspects of the problem, and links and descriptions of other excellent materials. For a summary view of information about the Coalition and its current activities, as well as some background, click on the "newest" page link, just below.

Items Highlighted, Updates or Upcoming Events: Click Here

(New items appear here first.)

(NOTE: Most pages on this site are not being regularly updated. The exception is the 'Items Highlighted ... ' page, clickable above. - SG)

For parents of a child bullied

Advisory Group Document 1

Advisory Group Document 2

Advisory Group Document 3


Strong law in its 12th year! (Look for latest developments on 'Updates' Page)

Mission Statement
The mission of the NJ Coalition for Bullying Awareness and Prevention is to increase community awareness of bullying as a common serious problem of school-age children and to advocate for the implementation of effective bullying prevention approaches in the State of New Jersey.

In service of this mission, the Coalition's objectives are:


1. To encourage all adults, especially parents and all members of school communities, to advocate for and help implement school-based bullying prevention programs;​

2. To promote awareness of the most effective approaches to bullying prevention;

3. To advocate for increased funding for bullying-related research and prevention;

4. To support school-based bullying prevention initiatives through legislation, public policy, community-wide education and program development.

The New Jersey Coalition for Bullying Awareness and Prevention presents some of its materials in pdf-format, which requires Adobe PDF Reader
(click here for a free download from Adobe)
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